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Photo of Aureliano Alfonzo Barrios Venezuela

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Aureliano Alfonzo Barrios, born on December 26 in Caracas, Venezuela

Since I started scribbling my first letters, I had the habit of drawing. My favorite were the houses. Always painted with an open door between two windows. All had a curved path that curled towards the entrance. Wisps of smoke rose from their small chimneys, pointing the direction of an imaginary wind. The...

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Aureliano Alfonzo Barrios, born on December 26 in Caracas, Venezuela

Since I started scribbling my first letters, I had the habit of drawing. My favorite were the houses. Always painted with an open door between two windows. All had a curved path that curled towards the entrance. Wisps of smoke rose from their small chimneys, pointing the direction of an imaginary wind. The horizon without mountains, white rose domes representing clouds. Two small curves were birds flying. And never lacked the yellow disk of the sun and a round apple tree crowded.

Were equal to the drawings of all children. The difference was in the quantity and not quality. What I drove to the prolific creation were the spaces
invisible surrounding houses, which wanted to paint and could not. When concluding a drawing, watching him for a long time, introducing him, dreaming, giving the life of a fictional movie. So I grew up, blurring any paper that is put within reach of my hand.

Noting this innate inclination, my aunt Carmen Alfonzo Rivas, sister of my father, a painter by trade and art teacher, he directed my first steps in painting. I found the basics of line and color, the secrets of light and shadow, the techniques of oil painting, pen and watercolor. When she died, I left his brushes, his palette and paint tubes. I painted them - when I was fourteen years --- my first oil painting titled "Barlovento.

Alternating with my undergraduate studies, followed after a long period of self-education, during which, encouraged by my father, I kept increasing my disposal for painting.

About my eighteen years, something happened that would mark my complete education: frequent contact with my cousin and godfather, Professor Juan Bautista Plaza Alfonzo, renowned composer and musicologist, humanist scholar and excellent teacher, under whose tutelage they formed several generations of distinguished Venezuelan artists. He took me by the hand to the other heights of creativity: the cosmic golden ratio pictorial rhythm, the vibrations of color, the connections between the visual and auditory, and many other essential content.

After high school, I found myself faced with the choice of architect or communicator. I chose both. I started working as a scriptwriter for Radio Caracas Radio and entered the newly opened School of Architecture at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. They also give vent to my old hobby of "paint houses, I could expand my artistic interests, in matters relating as Art History, free hand drawing and modeling.

But the adventure was stronger communication. I left college and entered fully into the fascinating world also founder of the radio, television and advertising. Published two magazines: "Artium" and "Marina." I founded a printing press, "Editor Artium." I passed the news on "The Informant" by Venevision. In "Tiuna Films" I got a major film foray into the medium as director and writer of documentaries.

What about painting?

I have never left. Continue painting. I have sold many paintings through local galleries or by commission. I have also donated some to friends and family. Others keep them. Currently I am painting and writing.

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